

Self-Realization and Inner Necessity – Thinking About How to Live,    London, Kiener Press, 2013

The Letter (Poetry), Kiener Press, 2014

When Patient and Doctor Disagree - Autonomous Patient versus Paternalistic Doctor (together with Steven Greer), Kiener Press, 2016

Twin Earth (Poetry), Kiener Press, 2016

Dreams and Delusions – Psychiatric Explorations, Kiener Press, 2020

Mind and Morals – Philosophical Explorations, Kiener Press, 2021

The Turning Tide (Poetry), Kiener Press 2021

Read and Reviewed – Literary Explorations, Kiener Press, 2021

Book chapter
“Treating Pain in Cancer Patients”, chapter 25 in “Psychological Approaches to Pain Management”, 2nd edition 2002, ed. By D. C. Turk and R.J. Gatchel. Crichton, P. and Moorey, S.


“H-Y Antigen in the Tissue of Transsexuals”, MD dissertation in Medicine University of Munich,1984.

Self-Realization  An Exploration, PhD Dissertation in Philosophy, University of London, 2010.

Articles (Psychiatry)
The full text of a selection of the articles mentioned below will be successively added to the website.

“Off-Period Belching due to a Reversible Disturbance of Oesophageal Motility in Parkinson’s Disease and its Treatment with Apomorphine”. P A Kempser, A J. Lees, P. Crichton, P J. Frankel, P. Shorvon. Movement Disorders, 1989, 4, 1, 1989, 47–52.

“Delusional Misidentification, AIDS and the Right Hemisphere”. P. Crichton, S.W. Lewis, British Journal of Psychiatry, 1990, 157, 608–610.

"How to offend patients". P. Crichton, A. Douzenis. Magazine published by the Psychiatric Department of Charing Cross Hospital, London 1992.

“Are Psychiatric Case Notes Offensive?”. P. Crichton, A. Douzenis, T. Hughes, C. Leggatt, S.W. Lewis, Psychiatric Bulletin, 1992, 16, 675–677.

“A Forensic Psychiatric Mystery in the Early Roman Empire”. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 1992, 3, 3, 571–572.

“Freud and Wagner’s Meistersinger”. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1994, 87, 767–768.

“Primitive Reflexes, Tardive Dyskinesia and Intellectual Impairment in Schizophrenia”. T.R.E. Barnes, P. Crichton, H.E. Nelson, S. Halstead, Schizophrenia Research, 1995, 16, 47–52.
“Stravinsky, Hogarth and Bedlam”. Psychiatric Bulletin, 1995, 19, 496–498.

“Were the Roman Emperors Claudius and Vitellius Bulimic?”. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 1996, 19, 2, 203–207.

“Verbal Fluency in Schizophrenia:  Relationship with Executive Function, Semantic Memory and Clinical Alogia”. E.M. Joyce, S.C. Collinson, P. Crichton, Psychological Medicine, 1996, 26, 39–49.

“Movement Disorder as a Marker of the Severity of Mental Handicap in Down’s Syndrome”. C.M. Haw, T.R.E. Barnes, K. Clark, P. Crichton, D. Cohen. Movement Disorders, 1996, 11, 4, 395–403.

“Did Othello have the Othello Syndrome?”. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 1996, 7, 1, 161–169.

“First-Rank Symptoms or Rank-and-File Symptoms?”. With commentaries by Hafner, Carpenter, O’Grady, Fuller Torrey, Geddes, Christofi, Sackett, McGuffin, Mellor, Wing, Crow, British Journal of Psychiatry, 1996, 169, 537–550.

“A Prescription for Happiness?” (essay on depression, anti-depressants and the concept of happiness). Times Literary Supplement, 1999, July 2.

“A Profound Duplicity of Life – Uses and Misuses of 'Schizophrenia' in Popular Culture and Professional Diagnosis". Times Literary Supplement, 2000, March 31.
"The term 'schizophrenia' – Jekyll and Hyde and Other Myths of Madness" is an unpublished early version of "A Profound Duplicate of Life, Uses and Misuses of 'Schizophrenia'" which was awarded the Mental Health Foundation Prize 1995 by the Royal Society of Medicine.

“Mind over Mood?  The Paradoxical Triumph of Beck’s Cognitive Therapy”. Times Literary Supplement, 2001, April 26.

“Potential health risks of complementary alternative medicines in cancer patients”, Werneke, U., Earl, J., Seydel, C., Horn, O., Crichton, P., Fannon, D., British Journal of Cancer, 2004, 90, 408–413.

“Maintaining hope in emotionally distressed terminally ill patients”, Greer, S. and Crichton, P., European Journal of Palliative Care, Sept/Oct 2013, Vol 20, No 5, 232–236.

"Epistemic Injustice in Psychiatry", Paul Crichton, Havi Carel, Ian James Kidd, London: Psychiatric Bulletin, April 2017, 41, 65–70.

The full text of a selection of the reviews mentioned below will be successively added to the website.

“The Man Who Mistook Brain Lesions for Theatre”. (Review of a staged version, directed by Peter Brook, of Oliver Sacks’ book “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat”). Psychiatric Bulletin, 18, 10, 634–635.

“Why We Should be Worried about Community Care: a Personal View of the Eighth Annual TAPS Conference”. (TAPS = Team for the Assessment of Psychiatric Services), Psychiatric Bulletin, 1993, 17, 681–682.

“The Human Brain – A Guided Tour”. Greenfield, S. London:  Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1997. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1997, 90, 645.

“Dancing with Mister D”. Notes on Life and Death. Keizer, B. London:  Doubleday, 1996. Psycho-Oncology, 1998, 7, 3, 276–277.

“An Emotional Notion of Brain Function”. The Emotional Brain. The mysterious underpinnings of emotional life. LeDoux, J., Lancet, 1998, 351, 1896.

“Conceptual Issues in Psychological Medicine”. M. Shepherd. London: Routledge, 1998, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1998, 91, 500.

“An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Ethics”. M. Warnock  London: Duckworth, 1998. British Medical Journal, 1998, 317, 1664.

“Iris – A Memoir of Iris Murdoch”. John Bailey, London:  Duckworth, 1998. Lancet, 1999, 353, 157.

“Drug-impaired Professionals”. Robert Holman Coombs.  Cambridge:  Harvard University Press, 2000. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 94, May 2001, 255.

“The story of Phineas Gage”. Malcolm Macmillan. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2000. Lancet, 2001, 357, 566.

“We are so lightly here”  “Ten New Songs” by Leonard Cohen, produced by Sharon Robinson, Sony, Lancet, Vol 358, Dec 22/29, 2001.

"The art of dreaming", a review of surrealism, Desire Unbound. An exhibition at the Tate Modern, London, UK, 2001, The Lancet, Vol. 358, 2005–2006, December 8, 2001.

“A Morality Tale of the Nuclear Age”,  “Copenhagen”, a play by Michael Frayn
Lancet, 2001, Vol 357, 894.

“Care of the Psyche: A History of Psychological Healing” by S.W.Jackson, New Haven: Yale University Press, Psychological Medicine, 2002, 32, 369–376.

“John Diamond’s Dazzling Final Dossier”. Lancet, 2 Feb., 2002, pp 450–1.

“Psychological Healing”, Psychological Medicine, 2002, 32, pp 369–371.

“On Being Authentic”, Charles Guignon, London: Routledge, Times Literary Supplement, Aug 20, 2004, 29.

“When philosophy meets psychiatry”  “Nature and Narrative: An Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry”, Bill Fulford, Katherine Morris, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini, eds., Oxford: Oxford University Press, Lancet, Vol 363, Feb 28, 2004, 741.

“Good Taste  What you choose defines who you are”, by Peter Trifonas and Effie Balomenos, Cambridge: Icon, Times Literary Supplement, Jan 30, 2004, 29.

“The Secret Power of Beauty  Why happiness is in the eye of the beholder”  by John Armstrong, London: Penguin Press, Times Literary Supplement, May 7, 2004.

“How to Read Freud”, Josh Cohen, London: Granta, Times Literary Supplement, March 11, 2005, 29.

“Vice squad”, Times Literary Supplement, 13 Oct 2006.

"Broken Barriers", Two books concerned with moral evil of twentieth-century history. Times Literary Supplement, 27 Jan 2006.

In conversation with H. Steven Greer. Psychiatric Bulletin, 2000, 24, 189–192.

“Flaubert’s Complaint” (psychiatric complications of Flaubert’s epilepsy). British Journal of Psychiatry, 1990, 145, 444.

“Tearfulness”. London Review of Books, 25 Oct. 1990.

“Confounds in C.T. Studies of Schizophrenia”. P. Crichton, T. Hughes, British Journal of Psychiatry, 1990, 145, 444.

“Primitive Reflexes in Alzheimer’s Disease”. P. Crichton, C. McDonald, British Journal of Psychiatry, 1991, 158, 436.

“The Centre Thought to Control Sensory and Motor Activity in the Early History of Medicine”, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, July 1992, Vol 85, 7, 432.

“Cognitive Therapy in Literature”. Psychiatric Bulletin, 1993, 17, 173–174.

“Genetic Basis for Transsexualism”. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1993, 162, 569.

“Jonathan Swift and Alzheimer’s Disease”. Lancet, 1993, 342, 874.

“Penfield’s Homunculus”. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 1994, 57, 525.

“Patients or Clients?” Psychiatric Bulletin, 1994, 18, 7, 431.

“Stravinsky, Hogarth and Bedlam”. Psychiatric Bulletin, 1996, 20, 3, 183.

“Verbal creativity, depression and alcoholism”. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1996, 169, 379.

“Audible thoughts” and “speech defect” in schizophrenia”. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1996, 164, 244.

“Terminology of learning disability”. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1997, 170, 484.

“Comments on Psycho-oncology”. Psychiatric Bulletin, 1999, 23, 10.

“Mental illness and the media”. Psychiatric Bulletin, 2000,  24, 12, 469.

“Mental and Physical Illness”. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2001, 179, 462.

“Free will and volition”, British Journal of Psychiatry, Sept 2005, Vol 187, 289–290.


Books or chapters
Unforgotten  A Memoir of Dachau, Franz Thaler, translated by P. Crichton and C. Kiener with an introduction by P. Crichton, London: Kiener Press, 2011.

Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie bei Krebserkrankung/Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in People with Cancer, S. Moorey and S. Greer (Oxford University Press 2002), 2nd edition, translated by C. Kiener and P. Crichton, Munich: Kiener, 2021.

Muscle Slings in Sport  Analysing Movement in Various Disciplines, K. Tittel, translated by P. Crichton and C. Kiener, London: Kiener Press, 2015.

The Wedding Feast, Karin Irshaid, translated by P. Crichton and C. Kiener, London: Kiener Press, 2018

Merck Manual, 6th edition, 2000 Psychiatric Disorders, chapters on somatoform disorders, personality disorders and suicidal behaviour translated by C. Kiener and P. Crichton into German for the German edition published by Urban and Fischer, 2000.

“Motives of Paranoid Crime:  the Crime of the Papin Sisters”  (Jacques Lacan, 1933), translation and commentary by P. Crichton and C. Cordess. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 1995, 6, 3, 564–575.